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Our    laboratory    focuses  on developing remotely controllable
materials via unique nanoengineering for dynamic biomedical  engineering

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Images:  Adv.  Mater,
Nano  Letters, Nanoscale,
Nanotech magazine,
Kaiheng Wei, and
Korea University

Lab Recruitment

We are actively recruiting postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students with specialty in nanomaterials synthesis, nanobiomaterials, and biomedical engineering.

Please feel free to contact Sunhong Min ( or Seongyeol Kim ( to ask any causal questions regarding the laboratory.

Please contact Prof. Heemin Kang via email ( for research and career interests.

우리 연구실에서는 "나노화학소재 합성", "나노바이오소재" "바이오메디컬공학" 중의 하나의 분야를 중점적으로 연구할 성실하고 열정적인 박사후 연구원, 대학원생 (석박사통합과정) 및 학부연구생 (3-4학년)을 모집합니다.

연구실 생활에 대한 궁금한 점이 있으면 연구실 대학원생들 (민선홍 학생 혹은 김성열 학생에게 편하게 연락하시면 됩니다.

연구와 진로에 관심있으면 고려대학교 신소재공학부 강희민 교수에게로 연락해주시기를 바랍니다.

Principle Investigator

Heemin Kang (강희민), Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Affiliated with College of Medicine (Medical School)

Korea University

고려대학교 강희민



Selected Publications


J. Kim et al,

Nat. Rev. Mater.

8, 710-725 (2023)

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Y. Kim et al, Adv. Mater.

34, 2110340 (2022)

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S. Min et al, Adv. Mater.

33, 2008353 (2021)


S. Min et alAdv. Mater.

32, 2004300 (2020)

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Y. Kim et al,

J. Am. Chem. Soc.

144, 5769–5783 (2022)


G. Bae et al,

Adv. Funct. Mater.

32, 2200828 (2022)

R. Thangam et al,

Adv. Funct. Mater.

33, 2206673 (2023)

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S.Y. Kim et al,
Adv. Funct. Mater.
33, 2215166 (2023)

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R. Thangam et al,
Adv. Funct. Mater.
31, 2008698 (2021)


G. Bae et al,

Adv. Funct. Mater.

31, 2103409 (2021)

L. Yang et al, Small

18, 2104783 (2022)

M.J. Ko et al,

Adv. Nanobiomed. Res.

2, 2200053 (2022)

*Corresponding author, †First author

20. C. Kim, N. Kang et al; H. Kang* Nature Communications (Accepted, 2024)

19. Hai Xu, Dahee Kimet al; H. Kang*, J. Yoon* "Remote Control of Energy Transformation-Based Cancer Imaging and Therapy" Adv. Mater. (2024) 36, 2402806

18. Sungkyu Lee, Jounghyun Yooet al; H.S. Jang*, S. Kim*, H. Kang* "Photonic control of ligand nanospacing in self-assembly regulates stem cell fate" Bioact. Mater. (2024) 34, 164-180

17. Jaewon Kim, Sungkyu Lee et al; K. Pu*, H. Kang*, J.S. Kim*  "In situ self-assembly for cancer therapy and imaging" Nature Reviews Materials (Cover Article) (2023) 8, 710-725

16. Nayeon Kang et al; J.S. Kim*, H. Kang* "Stimuli-Responsive Ferroptosis for Cancer Therapy" 

Chem. Soc. Rev. (2023) 52, 3955-3972

15. Seong Yeol Kim et al; H. Kang*, J.S. Kim* "Modulation of Macrophages by In Situ Ligand Bridging" Adv. Funct. Mater. (Cover Article) (2022) 33, 2215166

14. Yuri Kim et al; H. Kang* "Photoswitchable microgels for dynamic macrophage modulation"

 Adv. Mater. (Front Cover Article) (2022) 34, 2205498

13. Jinwoo Shin†, Nayeon Kang† et al; H. Kang*, J.S. Kim* "One-dimensional nanomaterials for cancer therapy and diagnosis" Chem. Soc. Rev. (2023) 52, 4488-4514

12. Ramar Thangam et al; H. Kang* "Ligand Coupling and Decoupling Modulates Stem Cell Fate" Adv. Funct. Mater. (Cover Article) (2022) 33, 2206673

11. Yuri Kim et al; H. Kang* "Submolecular ligand size and spacing on cell adhesion"

Adv. Mater. (Cover Article) (2022) 34, 2110340

10. Gunhyu Bae et al; H. Kang* "Receptor-Level Proximity and Fastening of Ligands Modulates Stem Cell Differentiation" Adv. Funct. Mater. (Front Cover Article) (2022) 32, 2200828

9. Jusung An†, Hyunsik Hong et al; H. Kang*, J.S. Kim* "Mechanical stimuli-driven cancer therapeutics” Chem. Soc. Rev. (2022) 52, 30-46

8. Yuri Kim et al; H. Kang* "Manipulating nanoparticle aggregates regulates receptor-ligand binding in macrophages" J. Am. Chem. Soc. (Cover Article) (2022) 144, 13, 5769–5783 

7. Subin Son et al; H. Kang*, J.S. Kim* "Cancer therapeutics based on diverse energy sources"

Chem. Soc. Rev. (2022) 51, 8201-8215

6. Hyunsik Hong et al; H. Kang*, "Dynamic Ligand screening by Magnetic Nanoassembly Modulates Stem Cell Differentiation" Adv. Mater (2022) 34, 2105460

5. Sunhong Min et al; H. Kang*, "Remote control of time-regulated stretching of ligand-presenting nanocoils in situ regulates the cyclic adhesion and differentiation of stem cells”

Adv. Mater. (Cover Article, 과학기술정보통신부 우수연구성과 선정) (2021) 33, 2008353

4. Gunhyu Bae et al; H. Kang*, "Immunoregulation  of macrophages by controlling winding and unwinding of nanohelical ligands" Adv. Funct. Mater. (Front Cover Article) (2021) 31, 2103409

3. Sunhong Min, Yoo Sang Jeon et al; Y.K. Kim*, H. Kang*, "Independent tuning of nano-ligand frequency and sequences regulates the adhesion and differentiation of stem Cells",

Adv. Mater. (Cover Article) (2020) 32, 2004300

2. Ramar Thangam et al; H. Kang*, "Remote Switching of Elastic Movement of Decorated Ligand Nanostructures Controls the Adhesion-Regulated Polarization of Host Macrophages"

Adv. Funct. Mater.  (Front Cover Article) (2021) 31, 2008698

1. Gunhyu Bae et al; H. Kang* "Remote manipulation of slidable nano-ligand switch regulates the adhesion and regenerative polarization of host macrophages", Adv. Funct. Mater. (2020) 30, 2001446

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