1. Magnetic control of nanoengineered materials
We employ magnetic nanomaterials with tunable chemistry to develop magnetically controllable dynamic materials through dynamic application of external magnetic field.
We recently demonstrated (A) nano-sequencing, (B) sliding, and (C) nano-oscillations of bioactive ligand-coated magnetic nanomaterials to material surface and for dynamic cell engineering:
(A) Nano-sequencing of bioactive ligand-coated Fe/Au nanobarcodes
S. Min et al; H. Kang* Adv. Mater. (Cover Article) (2020)
C. Khatua and S. Min et al; H. Kang* Nano Lett. (2020)
(B) Sliding of bioactive ligand-coated magnetic nanoparticles controlled by an external magnetic field
G. Bae et al; H. Kang* Adv. Funct. Mater. (2020)
C. Khatua and S. Min et al; H. Kang* Nano Lett. (2020)
(C) In situ real-time STEM imaging of nano-oscillations of bioactive ligand-coated magnetic nanoparticles controlled by an external magnetic field
H. Kang et al, ACS Nano (2017)
H. Kang et al, Nano Letters (2017)