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2. Photonic control of nanoengineered materials

We harness (A) photonic nanomaterials with tunable chemistry to develop photonically controllable dynamic materials through remote application of light.

We recently showed (B) the tuning of surface chemistry of upconversion nanoparticle to allow near-infrared (NIR) light-controlled intracellular molecule delivery and in vivo imaging. 

(A) Photonic nanomaterials

with tunable chemistry

photonic nanoparticle_4.jpg

Images: Kaiheng Wei and

NPG Asia Materials

(B) NIR-controlled molecular delivery and imaging by tuning surface chemistry of upconversion nanoparticle


H. Kang et al, Adv. Funct. Mater. (2018)

H. Kang et al, Biomaterials (2017)

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